Why Does Pre-Workout Make You Itch? A Quick Answer

Why Does Pre-Workout Make You Itch

Pre-workouts are essential for many gym-goers. They get you through tough sets and help break new records. Do you know what are its common ingredients? The Caffeine, Beta Alanine, and Yohimbine are found in most.

Other than giving energy many individuals experience discomfort after consuming it. If you’re among those and want to find out why does pre-workout make you itch? You’re not the only one. It happens with many others.

Don’t worry; I’ll explain!

Beta-alanine is the backbone of it. This chemical can cause tingling or itching. The sensation is more likely with more than 2 grams per serving.

Why Does Pre-Workout Make Your Skin Itch?

There are many reasons why your skin might itch after taking a pre-workout drink. Some of the possible ones are below:

  • You have an allergy to one of the ingredients.
  • You’re sensitive to sugar substitutes like sucralose or aspartame (commonly found in zero-calorie drinks).
  • The ingredients in your supplement could be causing gastrointestinal distress (stomach ache). In the end, it then leads to itching (dermatographia).

Pre-Workout Ingredients That May Cause Itching

Why Does Pre-Workout Make You Itch

The main ingredients in pre-workout supplements boost energy levels, increase athletic performance, and improve mental & physical alertness.

However, some people have reported itching after using these products. Here are some of the other reasons for this reaction:

1. Beta-Alanine

As I said above, this ingredient is the main cause of the pre-workout tingle sensation. It can also make you feel slightly itchy or cause a burning sensation. Yet, in most cases, it happens when you overconsume your pre-workout supplement.

2. Creatine

Secondly, Creatine is one of the most popular ingredients for an athletic workout routine. Meanwhile, this can also be the reason for itchy skin. As well as side effects are nausea, stomach cramps, and diarrhea.

3. Tyrosine

Thirdly, Tyrosine is an essential amino acid found naturally in food sources. These are bananas, avocados, and almonds (among others). Those who don’t eat these kinds of fruits regularly have to include this ingredient separately. But after consuming it some feel uncomfortable.

For instance, supplements having tyrosine can cause side effects like hives or redness.


These are all symptoms of an allergic reaction due to the addition of a new food source. Mostly when you intake in an unnatural way!

4. Caffeine

When consumed in large quantities, caffeine can cause itching on your skin and inside your body.

This may happen to you when you over-drink tea or coffee.

Isn’t it?

That’s how it causes your blood pressure to rise, which results in a release of histamine (a compound that causes a sensation of itchiness).

Is Beta-Alanine Good For Pre-Workout?

Beta-alanine is a naturally occurring amino acid with multiple benefits for gym lovers. It’s known for its ability to improve muscle endurance and accelerate recovery times. It works by reducing the lactic acid accumulation in your muscles, which is a common cause of muscle soreness and inflammation.

Why it’s good for pre-workout: Beta-alanine is particularly beneficial for those looking to gain muscle mass without accumulating extra body fat. As a result, you can lift heavier weights and extend your workouts, thereby burning more calories in the process.

Why it’s bad for pre-workout: Although it’s generally beneficial, beta-alanine may not be suitable for everyone. Allergic reactions are possible, manifested often as itching or tingling. If you experience these symptoms after consuming your pre-workout supplement, you might want to consider switching to an alternative product.

How To Get Rid Of Pre-Workout Itch?

The pre-workout itch is the worst. It can make you feel like you’re being eaten alive by ants, and it’s not exactly pleasant.

The sensation can be effectively minimized by reducing and splitting the dose. If you take too much pre-workout, you’ll get itchy. This happens because your body is working overtime to process all of that caffeine and other ingredients.

If you want to avoid pre-workout itch, here are some tips:

  • Drink more water!
  • Don’t take more than one scoop at a time (or even less if you’re sensitive)
  • If you do want to use two scoops, split them up into two separate doses (one before your workout, one after).
  • Dehydration is one of the main causes as it reduces blood flow through the body.


How do I stop the pre-workout itch?

You can control the itch by altering your dosage. Instead of a single large dose, try smaller amounts spread throughout the day. This can lessen or even stop the itch entirely.

How long does the itch from pre-workout last?

The duration varies. It depends on the dose and the type of supplement. With caffeine-based pre-workouts, the itch often lasts five minutes or less. For amino acid or creatine-based options, expect it to linger for up to an hour or more.

Is tingling normal after pre-workout?

Yes, it’s a usual experience. Pre-workout ingredients boost your heart rate and adrenaline, providing more energy. The sensation may feel like tingling or numbness, lasting for a brief period. You might also feel as if your whole body is vibrating.

Is beta-alanine safe to use?

Beta-alanine is a natural amino acid. It’s in foods like beef and chicken and is also available as a supplement. Many people use it to improve performance and gain muscle. Although generally safe, there are potential side effects. Use it cautiously, and consult your healthcare provider for personalized advice.

Beta-alanine may cause:

  • Skin irritation or redness when applied topically to the skin
  • Nausea, diarrhea, or stomach cramps
  • Loss of appetite
  • Headaches

The Takeaway!!!

In summary, pre-workout can cause itching. that’s normal! This is because it increases your body temperature and blood flow which are both necessary for muscle building. In fact, increased blood flow helps deliver more oxygen and nutrients to your muscles. Lastly, you can consult with your doctor if not returning normal even after a certain time.